2023 NEH Summer Institute

2023 NEH Summer Institute

June 12-July 7, 2023

Apply by March 3

Our SHARED Future: Science, Humanities, Arts, Research Ethics, and Deliberation

This paid four-week, residential NEH Summer Institute is focused on providing humanists with the tools and education they need to building capacity to teach and do humanities with impact on emerging developments in bioengineering. No scientific credentials needed to succeed in this seminar.

The Institute will run from June 12th–July 7th, 2023, in Tempe, Arizona, on and around the campus of Arizona State University. Applications due March 3, 2023.

For more information, visit: https://cbs.asu.edu/neh-summer-institute

Contact Erica O’Neil with any questions (eloneil@asu.edu).

About the Project

With the development of genome editing, tissue engineering, stem cell research, and neural interface design, bioengineering is dramatically influencing, and potentially fundamentally altering, what it means to be human. Humanists must take a leadership role in guiding the development and use of novel technologies by educating their students to engage in critical discussions and societal deliberations about our conceptions of ourselves, the shape of human society, and the nature of our shared future. Over the course of four weeks, participants will deliberate on these topics through the lenses of ethics, history, philosophy, literature, and film, while experiencing first-hand what it’s like to do science, from editing the bacterial genome using a do-it-yourself CRISPR kit to experimenting with neuromodulation techniques to improve cognitive performance.